Tablets are Tablets, Not Laptop Replacements
by Omid Rahmat
Comparing an iPad Pro to a MacBook Pro still leaves you feeling short.
Tags:Apple| OLED| Qualcomm| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
Comparing an iPad Pro to a MacBook Pro still leaves you feeling short.
Tags:Apple| OLED| Qualcomm| showcase
by Joseph Bryans
The research team from Sun Yat-sen University introduced a large-scale nanoimprint metalens array integrated with a microdisplay and a real-time rendering algorithm.
Tags:Augmented Reality| | Microdisplay| research| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
The smartphone market is starting a new cycle of growth that threatens the power base of its existing market leaders with broader implications for the display industry.
Tags:Huawei| Oppo| showcase| Smartphones| Transsion| Vivo| Xiaomi
by Omid Rahmat
Samsung Ads now allow advertisers to campaign across connected TVs and mobile, from Samsung TVs to Galaxy phones.
Tags:Advertising| Samsung| showcase| TV market
by Omid Rahmat
The digital transformation of retail shopping could be taking on a life of its own.
Tags:Digital Signage| Retail| showcase| Touch Displays
by Omid Rahmat
Samsung and LG are looking at Apple’s upcoming iPad Pro OLED as a watershed moment for the sector. Apple may have other things on its mind.
Tags:Apple| BOE| iPad| LG| OLED| Samsung| showcase| tablet
by Emory Kale
They also offer an eco-friendly alternative to the costly and environmentally damaging HRIPs currently in use.
Tags:Lenses| optoelectronics| Polymers| researcher| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
Everyone likes the idea of microdisplays, but the market doesn’t seem to stomach them.
Tags:Kopin| LCOS| Microdisplay| OLED| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
Maybe bigger screens have since their best days.
Tags:AMOLED| Apple| showcase| Smartphones
by Joseph Bryans
The microdisplays measure 5 by 5 square millimeters and 32 by 32 square millimeters and include either 1024 or 2048 of these LEDs,
Tags:Ink Jet Printing| LEDs| Medical| Microdisplays| Quantum Dots| research| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
A resurgent Chinese smartphone market is the greatest leverage display manufacturers have to ensure future growth.
Tags:Canalys| China| IDC| Korea| market resaerch| showcase| Smartphones
by Omid Rahmat
Nothing can stop an explosion in automotive displays fueled by growing numbers of hybrids and EVs. Maybe one thing.
Tags:Automotive| Lamborghini| showcase