

Qisda Intel Collaboaration Will Cover Retail

by Bob Raikes

Qisda is to work with Intel on IoT developments which will include a number of solutions for retail, such as smart shelves, electronic tags and POS (point of sale) systems. Qisda will adopt the …

Tags:Intel| Large Display Monitor| Qisda| Retail| Vol 23 - Issue 49

Qisda Enjoys Rising Shipments

by Raverstead

Taiwanese OEM Qisda has raised its monitor and projector shipments by 20% and 40% YoY in Q1-Q3’14, according to company president Peter Chen. The results put shipments at 11.8 million and 1.2 million, respectively …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Large Display Monitor| Qisda| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Qisda Sees 40% Growth in Projector Shipments

by Super User

Qisda achieved a 42.2% year on year growth in projector shipments in September, reaching 200,000 units. The company has been pushing sales of its high-end projectors to counter fluctuating sales of LCD monitors which …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Projectors| Qisda| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21