

Hot News – Metasurfaces Can Create Pixels

by Bob Raikes

The concepts and manufacturing techniques that have enabled Moore’s Law can be applied to optics

Tags:ITO| Metasurfaces| Nano Dimension| Novel Displays| Optics| Reflective Display| research| Sensing| showcase| SID| UK (United Kingdom)

Avicena Demonstrating Hottest MicroLED Optical Link

by Artem Alekseenko

Avicena is demonstrating the world’s highest temperature optical link operating at up to 235°C using its LightBundle communication architecture and technology at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023 in San Diego, CA. The Avicena …

Tags:Avicena| MicroLED| Optics

Varjo Modifies XR-3 to add ‘Retooled’ option

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Varjo has a new version of its XR-3 which boosts the clarity of the headset’s passthrough cameras when viewing objects between 30cm and 90cm (1′ to 3′) away. This makes the …

Tags:Cameras| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Mixed Reality| Optics| Virtual Reality

Printing Highly Reflective Mirrors

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A hat-tip to Alfred Poor, publisher of Health Tech Insider for pointing me to an article about the use of ink-jet printing to create Bragg mirrors. The technology has been developed …

Tags:InkJet Deposition| Optics| R&D (Research & Development)