OLED World Summit 2016


Jacobs Considers OLEDs in IT

by Bob Raikes

At the OLED World Summit, John Jacobs (once of Apple and also DisplaySearch) of Intel talked about the impact of OLED on IT applications such as notebooks and monitors. OLED-based notebooks have, of course, …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OLED World Summit 2016| OLEDs| Vol 23 - Issue 40

LGD Says Peak Brightness Better for HDR OLED

by Bob Raikes

In a talk at the recent OLED Summit, Dr. Jang Jin Yoo of LG Display presented research that his company has done that suggests that when the area of a very bright HDR image …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| OLED World Summit 2016| OLEDs| Vol 23 - Issue 40