Oculus VR


New VR Playback Tech will “Set the Bar for Immersive Video Quality”

by Andrew Fenn

Oculus CTO John Carmack has taken to Twitter to announce a re-release of its Story Studio’s VR short Henry, using new technology to demonstrate 5K x 5K 60fps mobile VR playback, which Carmack says …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 21

Oculus Reveals Varifocal VR Headset Prototype at F8 Conference

by Andrew Fenn

At Facebook’s recent F8 conference, Oculus revealed its new prototype, “Half Dome”, a new headset similar to the Rift, with a 140° FOV and varifocal displays. The new device features Fresnel lenses, eye-tracking technology …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 17

Oculus Go Is Now Available for Pre-Order — And the Reviews Are In

by Andrew Fenn

Oculus Go, the company’s new standalone headset, was made available for pre-order on Amazon earlier this week, retailing at $199 — and apparently it has already sold out. The device was officially unveiled at …

Tags:AR/VR| Google| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Vol 25 - Issue 17

Oculus Starts Shipping Santa Cruz Headsets

by Andrew Fenn

Developers are reporting that they have recently received Oculus’ new Santa Cruz device, the standalone 6DoF headset originally announced at last year’s Oculus Connect 4 conference. Detailed specs for the device have proven elusive …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 08

Oculus Announces New Headset Go at Oculus Connect 4 Conference

by Norbert Hildebrand

At their Connect 4 conference in San Jose, Oculus announced an new VR headset as well as some other news. The new headset is called Oculus Go and is an untethered headset that does …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 38

AR to Hit 900M Users as Facebook Stumbles on VR Adoption

by Steve Sechrist

In case you missed it, at the most recent Facebook virtual reality developer event last week, the top social network founder, Mark Zuckerberg, announced in his keynote the aggressive goal of 1 billion VR …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Emerging Markets| Market Data| Oculus VR| Vol 24 - Issue 39

Oculus Sale Drives Record Share

by Andrew Fenn

Valve has announced that Oculus Rift has broken a new record for its highest ever market share on Steam. It’s no coincidence that this announcement comes towards the end of the Summer of Rift …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 33

Facebook / Oculus Files Patent for AR Headset

by Norbert Hildebrand

Oculus is best known for the Oculus Rift headset that catapulted Facebook to the forefront of virtual reality. In recent months, Facebook management has made several statements indicating interest in AR in addition to …

Tags:Augmented Reality| | Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| Oculus VR| Vol 24 - Issue 31

Oculus “Summer of Rift” Sale Extended

by Andrew Fenn

The Oculus “Summer of Rift” Sale that began last month has been extended by “a few weeks”. The sale was originally due to end around August 21st, but due to high demand, the company …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 30

Oculus 1.17 Will Integrate SteamVR Games

by Andrew Fenn

The forthcoming 1.17 software update for Oculus will allow consumers to launch SteamVR games from Oculus Home. At the moment, Oculus users are required to launch SteamVR and Oculus Store titles from their respective …

Tags:AR/VR| Game Playing| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 27

Four VR Titles Have Made $1M on Oculus Store

by Andrew Fenn

Oculus has announced that four titles on the Oculus Store have made $1 million in revenue. The news is further bolstered by statements from Valve that several VR titles on Steam have also achieved …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 27

Oculus Gets Update for Mixed Reality Capture

by Bob Raikes

The latest version of software for the Oculus Rift is rolling out with support for Mixed Reality capture and a re-designed interface for future updates and a new Home environment. There is also multi-language …

Tags:360 Degree Video| AR/VR| Mixed Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Vol 24 - Issue 23