NPD DisplaySearch


China’s Golden Week Sales Fall 5%

by Super User

China celebrates its National Day holiday at the start of October, which marks the beginning of a longer holiday known as Golden Week. As we noted last month (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 41), …

Tags:China| Large Display Monitor| NPD DisplaySearch| TV Production| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

TV Makers Promote “Feature Desperation”

by Super User

The annual IFA conference on TV that is run by DisplaySearch and IFA took place in the new CityCube. A representative of IFA welcomed delegates and Paul Gray of DisplaySearch introduced the agenda. The …

Tags:IFA 2014| Large Display Monitor| NPD DisplaySearch| NPD IFA Conference 2014| Vol 21 - Issue 35| Volume 21

IHS Acquires NPD DisplaySearch

by Super User

The NPD Group has signed a definitive agreement, to sell its DisplaySearch and Solarbuzz businesses to IHS Inc. The deal is subject to customary closing conditions. Completion is expected in or around the second …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| NPD DisplaySearch| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

NPD Predicts 39% Streaming Media Penetration

by Super User

6 million US homes purchased streaming media players between Q2’13 and Q2’14, according to The NPD Group. The figure means that 17% of US internet households now have such a device. The NPD Group …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Media Players| NPD DisplaySearch| USA| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21

LCD Panel Supply to Tighten Next Year

by Super User

NPD DisplaySearch expects that tightness in the supply of TV, notebook and monitor panels to continue in Q3. Inventory adjustments will be made in Q4, and the firm expects to see shortages again next …

Tags:Display Supply & Demand| Large Display Monitor| NPD DisplaySearch| Production Capacity| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21