

Nexxis Digital OR Enriched with Flexible Support of 3D Imaging

by Artem Alekseenko

Hospitals with Nexxis OR-over-IP now have access to high-quality 3D imaging for their interventional surgeries. Barco, global leader in visualization technology, has enhanced Nexxis to show and share 3D images in the operation room. …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| Barco| Flexible Displays| Medical

Philips Brings New Features to MediaSuite pro TVs with Major Android Update

by Artem Alekseenko

Philips Professional Display Solutions is offering a complimentary Android upgrade across its range of HFL5014 and 6014 Google-certified MediaSuite hospitality TVs, bringing all the latest entertainment, control and security features to new and existing …

Tags:Android| Disney| Medical| Netflix| Philips

A New Approach to Ultrasound Imaging is Under Development

by Arthur Berman

A team of researchers headed by Hyeonggeun Yu, a former postdoc within the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the North Carolina State University, (Raleigh, North Carolina) are developing a new approach for …

Tags:Medical| OLED Fabs

IoT, Covid-19 and Telemedicine

by Matthew Brennesholtz

On April 9th, the Internet of Things Consortium (IoTC) gave a webinar titled “Connected Health and Wellness,” hosted by Greg Kahn, President and CEO of the IoTC. He said this telehealth webinar was the …

Tags:Covid-19| Internet of Things IOT| Medical|

Augmented/Virtual Reality in Healthcare, a Success Story?

by Norbert Hildebrand

When we talk about augmented and virtual reality applications we always agree that healthcare is one of the segments where the AR / VR advantages are beyond any discussion of cost effectiveness. From medical …

Tags:Augmented Reality| MEA (Middle East & Africa)| Medical| Virtual Reality