Liberty Global


Metrological Enhances Liberty and Comcast

by Tom Allen

Liberty Global and Comcast will use open-sourced browser enhancements from Metrological, the company has announced. These enhancements mean that the companies will be able to to improve their ability to support IP browser-based services …

Tags:Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| STBs| Vol 22 - Issue 37

Horizon Cannot Save Liberty From Losses

by Tom Allen

Liberty Global lost 169,000 video subscribers in Q1, due to the under-performance of the Ziggo service. However, Horizon performed well. Liberty’s ‘next-generation’ video platforms added a total of 274,000 subscribers, including a record 171,000 …

Tags:Europe| Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Vol 22 - Issue 20

EC Appoints Ziggo Monitor

by Raverstead

Following the final approval last month by the European Commission of Liberty Global’s acquisition of Dutch cable operator Ziggo, the Commission has appointed a monitoring trustee to oversee the transaction. CompetitionRx, a London-based company …

Tags:Cable| Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Netherlands| Vol 21 - Issue 46

Vodafone Mulling Liberty Global Acquisition

by Raverstead

There have been unconfirmed reports that Vodafone is considering making an offer to acquire Liberty Global and Tesco’s loss-making online video business, Blinkbox. Reuters said that Vodafone is reviewing potential acquisitions in order to …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Mergers & Acquisitions| OTT Video| VOD| Vodafone| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Liberty Global Result 06/11/2014

by Raverstead

Liberty Global plc has reported its third quarter and nine month results and also announced the completion of its tender offer to acquire Dutch cable operator, Ziggo. The company’s net profit in Q3 reached …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 44

Liberty Global Extends Shareholder Deadline

by Super User

As expected, Liberty Global has extended the deadline for Ziggo shareholders to accept the company’s offer for the Dutch cable operator, after the European Commission said in August that it needed more time to …

Tags:Cable| Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Vol 21 - Issue 36| Volume 21

EC Finally Clears Liberty’s Ziggo Deal

by Super User

The European Commission has finally approved Liberty Global’s pending acquisition of Dutch cable operator Ziggo. Liberty Global said in January that it would acquire Ziggo in a stock and cash transaction which valued Ziggo …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Mergers & Acquisitions| Monopolies (Anti Trust)| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

Ziggo’s Workforce Cuts Higher Than Expected

by Super User

Dutch media outlet The NL Times reports that Ziggo will cut around 20% of its staff as a result of its merger with Liberty Global’s UPC Netherlands division (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 2). …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Mergers & Acquisitions| Netherlands| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Ziggo Loses TV-Only Customers

by Super User

TV customers of Dutch cable operator Ziggo rose 5,000 in Q3, to 2.3 million, representing 87.1% penetration. However, the number of TV-only subscribers fell by 20.2% YoY, to 634,000.

Tags:Cable| Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Netherlands| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21