Internet of Things IOT


Much More Mobile Mobile

by Ken Werner

Data traffic on mobile networks will reach 367 exabytes – that’s 367×10^18 bytes or 367 billion gigabytes – in 2020, up from 44 exabytes in 2015, according to Cisco Systems’ recently released Visual Networking …

Tags:Automotive| Internet of Things IOT| Vol 23 - Issue 06

Intel Keynote Highlights Curie

by Bob Raikes

Krazanich was very relaxed before his keynote Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel gave the main CES keynote this year. When we arrived, on the seat was a wristband (the Pixmob) that had LEDs in …

Tags:CES 2016| Intel| Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 02| Wearables

COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2016 – New Position, New Exhibits and New Look!

by Isaac Oburu

COMPUTEX TAIPEI, organized by TAITRA, Taiwan External Trade Development Council and TCA, Taipei Computer Association, is set to open from May 31st to June 4th, 2016. For the past few years, the ICT industry …

Tags:Events| ICT| Internet of Things IOT

And Finally – Vol 23 No 02

by Tom Allen

The frog will haunt my dreams…It wasn’t all displays at CES: lots of news focused on the IoT. From smart wigs to smart socks, we’ve already seen lots of development in the space. But …

Tags:Back Panel| CES 2016| Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 02

IoT Will Drive Consumer Tech Industry to $287 Billion in Revenues

by Isaac Oburu

The ever-expanding adoption and continued growth of innovations comprising the Internet of Things (IoT) will help lead the U.S. consumer technology industry to a record-setting $287 billion in retail revenues ($224 billion wholesale) in …

Tags:CTA (was CEA)| Internet of Things IOT

Samsung Brings IoT to Smart TV

by Tom Allen

Samsung has announced that its entire lineup of 2016 SUHD TVs will be ‘IoT-ready’, and connected with its SmartThings platform. SmartThings, acquired by Samsung in 2014, is an open platform for connection and control …

Tags:Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Samsung| Smart TV| Vol 22 - Issue 52

Samsung Reveals Entire 2016 Smart TV Line-up Will be IoT Ready

by Isaac Oburu

Samsung Electronics announced that its entire 2016 Smart TV line-up will be Internet of Things (IoT) ready and connected with the SmartThings platform. SmartThings is an open platform that allows users to connect, manage …

Tags:Internet of Things IOT| Samsung| Smart TV

Digital Signage and the IoT

by Matthew Brennesholtz

The Internet of Things (IoT) comes up most often, perhaps, in terms of consumer systems. For example, thermostats can learn your habits and adjust the schedule for your furnace automatically to maximize comfort and …

Tags:Digital Signage| Digital Signage Software| Internet of Things IOT| Vol 22 - Issue 48