HDR - High Dynamic Range


Technicolor Highlights Continuing HDR & SDR Challenges

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Technicolor published a 20 minute discussion between Guy Ducos of Advanced HDR by Technicolor and Guillaume Arthuis of BBright, a Rennes, France-based maker of tools for broadcasters. Arthuis said that the …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Technicolor

Links 6th January 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the last day or so! As you can imagine with the ‘firehose of …

Tags:5K (5120 x 2880)| Automotive| Cameras| Dell| Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| Gaze Recognition| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Investment| Manufacturing| Notebooks| OLED Materials| OLEDs| Remote Controls| Samsung Display| Testing| ViewSonic

Macroblock Talks Up Virtual Production and MiniLED

by Bob Raikes

Macroblock is always an interesting company to engage with as the firm has a dominant position in the supply of driver chips for LED direct view displays around the world. It also supplies drivers …

Tags:Display Drivers| Game Playing| HDR - High Dynamic Range| LCD Backlights| LED Drivers| MiniLED| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Variable Frame Rate (VRR)| Virtual Sets

AA to Equip A321XLR, 787-9 Fleet with 4K IFE Displays

by Bob Raikes

What They Say American Airlines is to use UltraHD Optiq in-flight-entertainment (IFE) displays from Thales that are based on Samsung QLED LCD technology in five new aircraft. The displays have support for dynamic HDR …

Tags:Aviation| HDR - High Dynamic Range| In Flight Entertainment| QLED

ATEME Brings World-First HDR10+ Support in Live Transcoding

by Artem Alekseenko

ATEME, a leader in video delivery solutions for broadcast, cable TV, DTH, IPTV and OTT, has announced it has introduced support for the HDR10+ metadata in its TITAN Live transcoders, enabling broadcasters, service providers …

Tags:ATEME| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Transcoders

VESA Publishes Thousands Of High-Resolution Video And Image Files

by Artem Alekseenko

The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA®) announced that it has made one of the largest sources of high-resolution, high dynamic range (HDR) image and video content available for unrestricted public use. More than 28,000 …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| VESA

Schnelltest Available to Test TV HDR

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Image quality guru, Florian Friedrich, has published a 4 minute YouTube video that provides test material (including HDR 10 and HDR10+ metadata) for setting up HDR TVs and displays. The YouTube …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Testing| Video Quality| YouTube

Samsung introduces HDR10+ Gaming with VRR, HDR auto-calibration

by Bob Raikes

What They Say At the Samsung Developer Conference, the firm said that it is developing an extension to HDR10+ with better features for gaming, in particular: VRR (Variable Refresh Rates) (up to 120Hz) Automated …

Tags:Game Playing| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)

SMPTE Visits the BBC’s R&D for an HLG Update

by Bob Raikes

The SMPTE UK chapter had an event – originally planned as as in-person event but later mutated to a virtual video – to visit the BBC’s R&D department. It promised some information on the …

Tags:BBC| Broadcast| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Video Editing & Production

Do You Need Higher Frame Rates with HDR for ‘the Cinematic Look’?

by Bob Raikes

I have long thought that HDR and higher resolution images alone or together makes the effect of low frame rates more obviously, so I was pleased to see a paper in the SMPTE Motion …

Tags:Dolby| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| R&D (Research & Development)| SMPTE