HDR - High Dynamic Range


The Advanced Display Summit 2018

by Matthew Brennesholtz

Insight Media and Samsung hosted the QLED and Advanced Display Summit (ADS) in West Hollywood on June 27 and 28. The agenda included Quantum Dots (QDs), 8K, Display and Mastering Tools, High Dynamic Range …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LED Cinema| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Post Production| QLED & Advanced Displays Summit 2018| Quantum Dots| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 25 - Issue 26

BBC Claims to Solve Live HDR Production Puzzle

by Adrian Pennington

The BBC says it has found the answer to one of the problems bedevilling the industry’s transition to live HDR production — that of not compromising the standard dynamic range signal. It has developed …

Tags:BBC| Broadcast| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Vol 25 - Issue 27

Netflix Testing “Ultra” Subscription Tier for HDR Content

by Andrew Fenn

Netflix is thinking of introducing a new “Ultra” tier to its subscription plan structure, for HDR content. The new plan is being tested with select customers in Europe. The platform currently has three subscription …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Netflix| OTT Video| UltraHD| Vol 25 - Issue 26

fuboTV Launches Beta Support for Ultra HD and HDR10

by Andrew Fenn

fuboTV, a live streaming TV service in the US, mainly dedicated to sports, has launched Ultra HD and HDR10 support in beta, starting with main broadcasts of matches from the 2018 World Cup, available …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| UltraHD| Vol 25 - Issue 26

Infocomm 2018 Roundup

by Bob Raikes

Advoli is a company that impressed us at ISE with its HDBaseT supporting graphics cards (HDBaseT Coordinates Supporters). At Infocomm, it was showing the TA4, a four output (at 4K) card that can support …

Tags:Curved Displays| HDBaseT| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Infocomm 2018| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Vol 25 - Issue 23

Samsung & Insight Run TV Event in LA

by Bob Raikes

Insight Media, with support from Samsung, has run an event in Los Angeles, California this week, with topics including Quantum Dot displays, HDR, 8K and microLED. We had a reporter there and will be …

Tags:Back Panel| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| QLED & Advanced Displays Summit 2018| Quantum Dots| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 25 - Issue 25

HDR10+ Licensing, Logo Certification Program Begins

by Bob Raikes

HDR10+ Technologies LLC, which is controlling the HDR10+ specification, said that it has now started its licensing and logo programme. The programme is open to companies that can meet the technology and testing criteria …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 24

Oppo UHD Blu-ray Players Now Support Sony Dolby Vision TVs

by Andrew Fenn

Oppo has released a firmware update for its line of Ultra HD Blu-ray disc players, adding support for Sony’s Dolby Vision-compatible TVs. Oppo’s players join a minority of devices that are currently able to …

Tags:Blu-ray Players| Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| sony| Vol 25 - Issue 22

Sony Adds Dolby Vision Support to Its X700 UHD Blu-ray Player

by Andrew Fenn

Sony has released a Dolby Vision firmware update for its X700 UHD Blu-ray disc player, providing compatibility with the company’s own range of TVs. Sony Dolby Vision TVs support the HDR format natively via …

Tags:4k| Blu-ray Players| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| sony| Vol 25 - Issue 22

Miscellaneous AR and VR Papers at Display Week – Roundup

by Matthew Brennesholtz

(Credit: M. Brennesholtz) Meko’s Matt Brennesholtz (i.e. me) opened the AR/VR track at the SID technical symposium with paper 3-1 titled “VR Standards and Guidelines.” This invited paper was well received and had a …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2018| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 21

BC11 Cinematographers Have Some TV Requests

by Bob Raikes

The next speaker was a ‘local’ from the TV content business in Los Angeles. David Stump is chairman of the camera committee and display committee of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC). He gave …

Tags:Cinema| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2018| Vol 25 - Issue 21

Leader to Demo HDR Test and Measurement at Media Production Show

by Andrew Fenn

Leader Electronics will demonstrate the HDR measurement capabilities of its LV5490 Ultra HD multi-screen video and audio test instrument at the Media Production Show in London, UK, which takes place on June 12th and …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Testing| Vol 25 - Issue 20