

Haptics in Hand at TGM 2014

by Raverstead

Haptic technology was a tangible component of TGM. Haptics presentations were offered by Tactus Technology, Novasentis, Aito, and Tangible Haptics. Tactus Technology continues its push toward a product launch with its manufacturing partner Wystron …

Tags:Haptics| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TGM 2014| Vol 21 - Issue 45

Senseg Approaches Commercialisation

by Super User

We have followed haptic feedback company Senseg since 2011 (Display Monitor Vol 18 No 50), and the company has now released its first developer kit. The Senseg Feelscreen kit is a 7″ Nexus 7 …

Tags:Haptics| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21

Haptic Technology Approaches $52 Billion by 2018

by Super User

The haptic touch technology market will grow at a CAGR of 41% between 2013 and 2018, ending the forecast period with revenues of almost $51.8 billion. Smartphones and virtual interfaces will be the main …

Tags:Haptics| Large Display Monitor| Touch Market| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21