Flexible Displays


To Fold or Not to Fold

by Ken Werner

Following Samsung’s disastrous media introduction of the Galaxy Fold in early April, the company delayed the device’s late-April commercial introduction. Subsequently, AT&T cancelled its announced June 13 release date of the Fold, and on …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Lenovo| LG Displays (LGD)| Notebooks| Samsung| Smartphones

DisplayWeek 2019 – The Race for Next Generation Innovation

by Sweta Dash

Display panel and component suppliers showcased next generation product innovations for MicroLED, MiniLED, OLED, Quantum Dot and LTPS LCD at DisplayWeek 2019 at San Jose in May. As application market growth-rates are slowing down …

Tags:Automotive| Dual Panel LCDs| Flexible Displays| LTPS TFT| MicroLED| MiniLED| OLEDs| Quantum Dots| SID Display Week 2019

The Beginning of the End – or Just the End of the Beginning?

by Bob Raikes

One of the friends that I met last week at SID’s Display Week last week (and there were a lot!) was Dr Ray Soneira of DisplayMate Technologies. He’s been looking closely at the OnePlus …

Tags:Apple| Colour Management & Processing| Flexible Displays| OLEDs| Samsung| Smartphones

The Foldable Display Smartphone’s Time Has Come

by Steve Sechrist

Following the news on the $2000 Samsung Galaxy Fold? Well in short, this laudable device, which had plenty of accolades from early press accounts, encountered significant display issues that have delayed the release of …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Samsung| Samsung Display| Smartphones

Springtime Droplets

by Ken Werner

A late Spring is finally stumbling its way into Southwestern Connecticut. The new green tree leaves gleam in the late afternoon sun, and the plantings are beginning to bloom. I transferred the first tomato …

Tags:China| E Ink| EPD (Electrophoretic)| Flexible Displays| Foxconn (Honhai)| sony| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Taiwan

KAIST Developing a Wearable Display that is Self-Powered and Washable

by Arthur Berman

Think about clothing and an image that comes to mind may be of textiles that are both wearable and washable. Problems arise, however, when the image transforms to that of so-called smart clothing. As …

Tags:Fabric & Textile Displays| Flexible Displays| Korea| OLEDs| Wearables

Foldable Displays Present Challenges Galore To Manufacturing

by David Hsieh

At the recent MWC 2019, a conference dedicated to mobile technologies, attendees had a chance to glimpse foldable displays in a number of exhibits. According to analysis from the AMOLED & Flexible Display Intelligence …

Tags:Flexible Displays| IHS Markit| OLEDs| Smartphones| Touch

Foldable Smartphones: Can They Reach The Mainstream Market?

by Sweta Dash

Foldable smartphones are finally here after years of expectation and anticipation The biggest potential advantage of foldable smartphone is that it can offer “thin, light, unbreakable larger display for smartphone in a smaller form …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Smartphone Market

KAIST Developing a Replacement for Glass in Flexible Displays

by Arthur Berman

One of the key components desired in a display that is both flexible and transparent is a polymer material that is itself flexible and that presents optical and thermal properties similar to that of …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Korea| Materials| R&D (Research & Development)

In, Out, In, Out and Shake it all about!

by Bob Raikes

My headline is from a dance game in the UK and seemed appropriate for my Display Daily which takes a look at the Samsung Galaxy Flex phone, which was shown last week at a …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Huawei| MWC 2019| Samsung| Smartphones

A Translucent and Flexible Perovskite-Based LED is Under Development

by Arthur Berman

A research team headed by Professors Song Myung-hun and Kim Joo-young of the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (Ulsan, Republic of Korea) recently announced developments …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Korea| Perovskite| R&D (Research & Development)

Smartphone Display Woes in 2019, What Can Help?

by Sweta Dash

The smartphone market has started a declining trend after years of growth. In January, Apple reported lower than anticipated iPhone revenue for the 4th quarter, especially in Greater China. Samsung also reported a decline …

Tags:Apple| Flexible Displays| Huawei| LCD displays| LTPS TFT| MicroLED| OLEDs| Samsung| Smartphone Market| Xiaomi