Video of flexing on impact of Gorilla Glass
by Raverstead
Video of flexing on contact of glass from Corning
Tags:Corning| Glass| Smartphones
by Raverstead
Video of flexing on contact of glass from Corning
Tags:Corning| Glass| Smartphones
by Raverstead
The video shows how Corning tests its Gorilla Glass 4 is tested
Tags:Corning| Glass| Testing
by Raverstead
The Samsung Galaxy Alpha (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 29) uses Corning’s new Gorilla Glass 4 (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 47) as the cover glass, it has been announced.
Tags:Back Panel| Corning| Glass| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Vol 21 - Issue 49
by Raverstead
Corning is to expand the focus of its technology development programmes at its Technology Centre in Asan, Korea. ‘Next-generation’ glass and ceramic solutions for applications in consumer electronics and other industries will be developed. …
Tags:Corning| Flexible Displays| Glass| Korea| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 44
by Super User
BMW has presented its Supplier Innovation Award to Corning, for its ‘Gorilla Glass for Automotive’ product. BMW uses the glass in its i8 vehicle.
Tags:Automotive| Back Panel| Corning| Glass| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21
by Super User
Corning Incorporated posted a net profit in Q3 of $1 billion on turnover of $2.5 billion, which compares with a net profit of $408 million on turnover of $2 billion in Q3 a year …
Tags:Corning| Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21