

Canalys Says Over 2 Million VR headsets to Ship in 2016

by Bob Raikes

There are lots of reports about VR headset sales and the list of analysts has been joined by Canalys which believes that headset sales will exceed two million units in 2016, with growth forecast …

Tags:Canalys| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 49

Smartband market

Canalys Sees Smartband Market Growing

by Norbert Hildebrand

Canalys has released its latest market assessment of the smartband market. The wearable market has many different players and devices already with more set to join later in 2015. Besides the variety of devices …

Tags:Broadcast| Canalys| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartwatches| Vol 22 - Issue 08| Wearable Market| Wearables

Source: TECHnalysis Research

Apple Store Drops Fitbit and Bose

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

Wearable – When it comes to the retail of consumer electronics, there is the Apple store and then there is the rest. When Apple opened its Apple stores many analysts were skeptical about the …

Tags:Apple| Canalys| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21