
PM SCREEN Takes Standard and Boring Retail Displays to the Next Level with 3D Holograms, Which Can Be Found at 500+ Best Buy Locations

PM SCREEN takes standard and boring retail displays to the next level. 3D holographic displays revolutionizing mass retail market are now in 500+ Best Buy locations across the US – pioneering with Altec Lansing products.

Altec Lansing’s new line of everything-proof portable Bluetooth speakers is turning heads at select retailers across the US. Altec needed to shock and awe audiences when launching this innovative new line. They succeeded by being the first major brand to utilize 3D holographic displays and custom-made animation. Altec partnered with PM Screen in Seattle, WA, who helped them take a standard retail display to the next level.

PM Screen works with brands across the globe who want to stand out in today’s competitive environment. By utilizing 3D holographic displays, the company’s creative team designs a storyline that visually displays top features of any product. At the recent Best Buy launch, each display houses the actual BoomJacket speaker surrounded with vivid holographic imaging. Using water and fire elements, a hologram visually tells the rugged capabilities of the product in a unique and highly attractive manner. As anticipated, this spectacle is currently attracting crowds of people who are transfixed, watching the entire presentation from beginning to end.

Holographic displays offered by PM Screen come with “easy plug and play” capabilities. Primarily used for retail, shows, conventions, product launches, etc., holographic displays allow brands to showcase their product in a powerful way. PM Screen’s creative team works with the brand to create a holographic storytelling strategy and designs stunning 3D imagery. Once all the graphics are completed, the device is easily transportable to your desired location, requiring only a power source to have the story come to life.

“Our vivid holographic 3D imaging followed by sound effects engages the consumers’ senses and affects their perception. It is very difficult to stand out in today’s retail market and it seems we have found a cure to this,” said Darius Cincys, Managing Director of PM Screen.