
Microsoft Rumored to Work on Health and Fitness Wearable

According to an article in PCR, Microsoft is planning to release a new Xbox connected wearable device in 2015. The article describes a device that, in contrast to the recently released Microsoft Band, will work only with the Xbox. The Xbox already has many health applications that could tie into this new device.

The device may not look like the Microsoft Band as shown in the photograph, as it would be aimed at a completely different use mode than the current Band. There is also the aspect of regional release; so far the Band is only available in the US, so there is still the chance that the UK release in 2015 will feature the current band, just with Xbox connectivity.

The article mentions a supplier of Xbox components as saying that Microsoft is looking seriously at this space for more consumer devices in the coming year.

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Several market researchers are seeing the health and fitness area as the most promising market for wearables in the coming years (see the report in this issue from Juniper). If this is correct, Microsoft is at least looking at the right application. So far the access to consumer electronic devices has not been very successful for Microsoft, if we forget the Xbox for a moment. Combining a wearable with its most successful CE product suddenly makes a lot of sense. – Norbert Hildebrand