
Microsoft Result 26/04/2018

Microsoft Corp announced its financial results for its third quarter ending March 31, 2018. Revenues for Q3 2018 were $26.8 billion, an increase of 16%, compared to $23.2 billion in Q1 2017. Net income in Q3 2018 was $7.42 billion, an increase of 35%, compared to $5.48 billion to Q3 2017.

In Q3 2018, Microsoft has seen significant growth across all the business segments compared to Q3 2017. Revenue in Productivity and Business Processes increased $9.0 billion from $7.7 billion, up 17%, due to growth in revenues of office commercial and consumer products, LinkedIn sessions and cloud services.

Revenues in Intelligent Cloud grew to $7.9 billion from $6.7 billion, up 17%, due to strong demand for server products, cloud and enterprise services. Revenue in More Personal Computing grew to $9.9 billion from $8.7 billion, up 13%, due to an increase in revenues of Window OEM, gaming, surface and search advertising.