JCDecaux reported FY16 Q4 revenues at €983 mn ($1,052 mn) bringing annual revenues to €3393 mn ($3,630 mn). The FY16 revenue was up 5.8% as compared to FY15’s figure of €3,207 mn ($3481 mn), while the adjusted organic growth was 3.3%. The FY16 Q4 revenue was marginally down by 0.1% on a year on year basis.
In FY16, the billboard segment contributed 14.6% of total revenues with €495 mn ($531 mn). This indicated 8.2% growth on a y-o-y basis. The digital segment was 12.9%
Overall, the management believe that the company fared better than expected in 2016, owing to strong performance in Asia-Pacific and in the ‘Rest of Europe’. And for the first time since 2010, all the three business segments posted an annual positive organic growth.