
Digital Stationery Consortium Publishes White Paper on the Business Opportunities Afforded by Universal Digital Ink Technology

The Digital Stationery Consortium, Inc. (DSC), announced the publication of its commissioned white paper titled New Business Opportunities Fueled by the Emerging Digital Stationery Market.

The white paper examines universal digital ink technology’s role in enabling new digital stationery market opportunities for innovators across a wide range of verticals, including technology, design, education, automotive, Internet of Things and more. Authored by industry analyst Dr. Jon Peddie of Jon Peddie Research (JPR), who brings nearly three decades of graphics and digital technology expertise, the DSC-commissioned white paper is available can be download for free from the DSC website.

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• Watch this brief video to learn about the DSC

“Technology innovators, and developers, and OEMs within the well-established stationery industry are on the cusp of a technological point-of-no-return. With universal digital ink technology as the framework, the global opportunities for digital stationery market innovation are riper than ever,” said Dr. Jon Peddie, founder and president, Jon Peddie Research. “The world of pens, paper, and ink is spilling over into an ever-connected, digital stationery world, and developers, OEMs, and other innovators have the chance to drive rapid growth across an unlimited number of markets.”

Over the last ten years, digital ink technology has evolved and advanced across entire industries, resulting in many different standards and file formats that are either incompatible across platforms or slow down collaboration. The white paper examines cross-industry efforts to enable the universal digital ink framework WILL™ (Wacom Ink Layer Language) to tap into the benefits of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

“The most valuable players across the global stationery market and the technology industry are heavily investing in the race to innovate with digital ink technology, delivering new advancements and use cases that are kick-starting the digital stationery market,” said Masahiko Yamada, DSC chairman, and president and CEO of Wacom. “To shape the future of the global digital stationery market, DSC Contributor Members E Ink, Montblanc, Fujitsu Computing Client Limited, Samsung, and Wacom are working with academics, researchers and startups to ensure new digital stationery experiences all work universally across software, hardware, and applications regardless of the platform.”

DSC Membership Benefits

All companies interested in the digital ink ecosystem are encouraged to become DSC members. DSC membership levels, Contributors and Promoters, are open to companies across any business vertical. Digital stationery-focused technology start-ups and academic entities are invited to apply for a free, one-year Promoter member application. Once approved, the Promoter membership fee is waived for the first year, and members can participate in DSC’s technical and educational efforts via the consortium’s work groups. Members receive access to WILL™ technology as well as the opportunity to become involved in various membership initiatives, work groups, and member-only meetings.

About DSC

Founded by Wacom, The Digital Stationery Consortium is an association of global industries and thought leaders with the shared mission to advocate the value of human creativity and to lead the creation of a new market category of smart digital stationery solutions that are serving any creative minds in the most naturally and intuitively. The consortium’s focus is to establish digital ink as a universal, open and smart content format and a common framework for sharing and collaborating with ideas based on WILL™ digital ink. For more information about DSC and its membership benefits, please visit

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