
Celebrating 17 Years Of Bringing Together The International OLED Community

Maybe you need to get up-to-speed on the latest advancements in flexible OLED lighting, technical hurdles, performance indicators and more? Or get perspectives from lighting designers about what they’re looking for? Or perhaps hear from the industry’s leading executives on their vision for commercialization? Or maybe you’re new to the industry and need a comprehensive overview of the key players and issues?

The OLEDs World Summit is the place to be to answer all your questions! This year’s program features dyanmic presenations ranging from New Applications of OLEDs, the Dyanmic TV Market, Ultra Flexible, Foldable & Wearable OLED, OLED Lighting Designer Perspectives adn much more!

In addition to the more than 30 presentations, you won’t want to miss our our 10+ networking meals and receptions that will allow you to mingle with nearly 200 OLED professionals.

More information at