
Analysis, insight, and trends for premium subscribers


Epson EpiqVision makes laser projectors affordable

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We missed it at the time, about a month ago, but Epson has launched some new 3LCD laser phosphor projectors for the home. There are two mini-projectors (EF-11 and EF-12) with …

Tags:Epson| Laser Phosphor Projectors

German smart TV sales up 14%

by Bob Raikes

What They Say GfK data reported by DigitalTVEurope quotes sales of smart TVs for the first nine months of the year (against 4.6 million total TVs recently reported by GFU (TV Market Up in …

Tags:Germany| Market Data| Smart TV

Facebook Watch has launched on Vizio SmartCast TV sets.

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Vizio in the US has added a new app to allow the viewing of video content from Facebook Watch. The tech giant has been expanding its video content to include sponsored …

Tags:| Smart TV| Vizio

Dubai installs ePaper FIDS displays

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say For the first time, E Ink-based displays are being used as Flight Information Displays (FIDs) at Dubai’s Airport. They are solar-powered and the cloud-based FIDS solution was installed in the baggage …

Tags:Aviation| E Ink| MEA (Middle East & Africa)

Brexit endangers display exports to the UK

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The UK currently imports around 3.7 million TVs and digital signage displays from Europe, valued at €900 million. If there is no agreement on a free trade deal with the EU, …

Tags:Duty| TVs (TV Sets)

Connect Americans Now Urges FCC Action on White Spaces

by Bob Raikes

What They Say An association of 51 companies, under the name ‘Connect Americans’ has backed the FCC’s plan to allow the use of 600MHz spectrum and TV broadcast ‘white space’ for non-broadcast applications including …

Tags:Bob Raikes

Spain tests 8K on DTT

by Bob Raikes

What They Say RTVE in Spain has tested 8K transmission using DVB-T2 and Dolby AC-4 sound in Madrid, Seville, Valencia, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Málaga and Ciudad Real. The trial used Samsung QLED 8K …

Tags:Broadcast| Spain| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Terrestrial (DTT)