
Analysis, insight, and trends for premium subscribers


NextGen TV and Killer Apps in Cars

by Omid Rahmat

ATSC 3.0 offers an efficient and reliable method for delivering software updates and other data-intensive services to vehicles.

Tags:ATSC 3.0| Automotive| showcase

Where Next for Korea’s Display Industry

by Omid Rahmat

The existential crisis is real. There isn’t much of a moat left around Korea’s display industry.

Tags:display market| KDIA| Korea| LG| MicroLED| Samsung| showcase| XR

Xiaomi’s Time is Coming

by Omid Rahmat

The rise of the usurpers changes the dynamic of the display industry.

Tags:Apple| Artificial Intelligence (AI)| Canalys| Samsung| showcase| Smartphones| Transsion| Vivo| Xiaomi

MicroLED TVs Going Nowhere

by Omid Rahmat

Can MicroLED create a technology moat around Samsung’s TV business?

Tags:MicroLED| Samsung| showcase| TV market