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Nvidia Leaving 32-bit Operating Systems Behind

by Andrew Fenn

Nvidia has announced that Release 390 will be the last driver update for 32-bit operating systems for any of its GPU architecture. Later driver release versions will not operate, nor install, on 32-bit operating …

Tags:GPUs| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Nvidia| Operating Systems| Vol 25 - Issue 01

The HoloPlayer One Lets Users Interact with “3D Holograms”

by Arthur Berman

A startup called Looking Glass Factory (Brooklyn, NY) has debuted a display device called the HoloPlayer One. The device has been widely reported in the popular press as a “hologram viewing device.” Let me …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Light Field Displays| Novel Displays| Vol 25 - Issue 02

DuneHD Goes UHD and Linux/Android Hybrid

by Bob Raikes

Dune HD has announced a new range of media players with UltraHD 60 fps HDR support and with unique hybrid Linux + Android software. Other new features include Rec 2020 support and HDMI 2.0a. …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| STBs| UltraHD| Vol 25 - Issue 01

2017 Was Highest-Earning Year in Worldwide Box Office History

by Andrew Fenn

ComScore has announced that this year’s worldwide theatrical box office revenues are up 3% over 2016 and set a new record of $39.92 billion, making 2017 the highest-earning year in global movie history, powered …

Tags:Cinema going| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Vol 25 - Issue 01

LG Display Unveils World’s First 88-inch 8K OLED Display

by Damir Lokas

LG Display, the world’s leading innovator of display technologies, announced today that it has developed the world’s first 88-inch 8K OLED display. This industry-leading product will be showcased at LG Display’s booth at CES …

Tags:LG Displays (LGD)

Looking ahead to CES 2018

by Bob Raikes

This is an unusual week – a gap between the family overload of Christmas and New Year and the technology overload that is CES. This year, there is a brief gap, which gives us …

Tags:CES 2018| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 01

Samsung C-Lab to Reveal Creative New Projects at CES 2018

by Damir Lokas

Samsung Electronics announced that, at CES 2018, it will introduce three innovative new projects, developed from its C-Lab (Creative Lab) program. In addition, seven start-ups which have been spun off from C-Lab will showcase …


UK Brand Gets OLED TV Down to sub £1,000

by Milos Pavlovic

electriQ of the UK has a new 55″ OLED TV that is the cheapest on the market at its list price of £1,318, but was being advertised at £999.97 ($1,129 + tax) when we …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| OLED TVs| Pricing| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 25 - Issue 01

LG to Reveal 88″ 8K OLED Panel at CES

by Bob Raikes

LG Display has said that it will show an 88″ 8K OLED TV panel at the forthcoming CES show. No other real information was released prior to the event. Analyst Comment This is quite …

Tags:CES 2018| Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| OLED TVs| OLEDs| Vol 25 - Issue 01