

Apple Offering Free Repairs for iPhone 7 with Service Bug

by Andrew Fenn

Apple has determined that a small percentage of iPhone 7 devices may show “No Service” in the status bar, even if cellular coverage is available, due to a component failure. The affected units were …

Tags:Apple| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 05| warranty

Japan Display Financial Backing Talks Hit a Wall

by Andrew Fenn

Japan Display is reportedly having difficulty finalising a deal with one of its potential investors. The company is currently in talks with BOE, China Star Optoelectronics Technology and Visionox, as well as Foxconn, which …

Tags:Japan Display Inc (JDI)| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 05

Google Brings Universal Stylus Initiative Partners to Over 30

by Andrew Fenn

Google has joined companies like Dell, Intel, Lenovo and LG to back the Universal Stylus Initiative (USI), bringing the total number of partners to over 30. The initiative was founded in 2015 to create …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| USI (Universal Stylus Initiative)| Vol 25 - Issue 05

MTG to Sell Nordic Entertainment and Studios Assets to TDC

by Andrew Fenn

Modern Times Group (MTG) has entered into a definitive agreement to combine its Nordic Entertainment and Studios businesses with TDC, in order to create what it claims to be the first fully convergent entertainment …

Tags:Broadcast| Large Display Monitor| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| Nordics| Vol 25 - Issue 05

Microsoft Boosts Surface PC Range

by Bob Raikes

Microsoft has released a lower cost version of its Surface Pro notebook which has a Core M3 processor and costs $799, rather than the Core i5 model that costs $999. The base model has …

Tags:Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Vol 25 - Issue 05


Apple Clarifies Q4 with Earnings Call

by Bob Raikes

In its earnings call, Apple’s Tim Cook said that the company has now reached an installed base of 1.3 billion devices, an all-time high level over a range of its products, up 30% in …

Tags:Apple| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 04


Apple Clarifies Q4 with Earnings Call

by Bob Raikes

In its earnings call, Apple’s Tim Cook said that the company has now reached an installed base of 1.3 billion devices, an all-time high level over a range of its products, up 30% in …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 05

Panasonic Adds Light ID-Enabled LFDs

by Bob Raikes

Panasonic has released two new LFDs, in the new SF2H series, that support the firm’s LinkRay modulated backlight technology. There are 70″ and 80″ models, TH-80SF2H / TH-70SF2H, both with edge-lit FullHD VA panels …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Li-Fi| Panasonic| Vol 25 - Issue 04