Samsung TV Getting Philips Hue Ambient Lighting App
by Omid Rahmat
A $129.95 app to set the mood on Netflix and Chill nights may not be a game changer.
Tags:CES 2023| Philips| Samsung Display
by Omid Rahmat
A $129.95 app to set the mood on Netflix and Chill nights may not be a game changer.
Tags:CES 2023| Philips| Samsung Display
by Omid Rahmat
Roku-made TVs are coming to market and we don’t know what to make of it.
Tags:4k| CES 2023| HD| Roku| SmartTVs| TCL
by Omid Rahmat
RealWear Navigator 520 with all new HyperDisplay delivers even more efficiency and ease of use with a bigger, bolder, sharper display for its fully-hands free, rugged, head-mounted wearable computer.
Tags:CES 2023| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| RealWear
by Omid Rahmat
Regardless of where you work, technology remains a staple in facilitating productive and collaborative employee experiences. At the center is the overarching PC experience driven largely by an entire ecosystem of devices bringing employees …
Tags:Dell| Desktop Monitors| Large Display Monitor
by Omid Rahmat
New high-end Apple Watch with 2.1 inch microLED screen rumored..
Tags:Apple Watch| MicroLED
by Omid Rahmat
Advanced TV shipments to grow by a 14% CAGR from 2020 to 2027.
Tags:Artem Alekseenko
by Omid Rahmat
Second half of 2023 boost for BOE from winning back Apple.
Tags:Apple| BOE| iPhone
by Omid Rahmat
Alienware crushes new barriers with the introduction of the world’s fastest refresh rate of 500Hzi on a Fast IPS Gaming Monitor and the evolved Aurora R15 gaming desktop with AMD technology. These industry-leading display and desktop advancements further …
Tags:alienware| Desktop Monitors| IPS
by Omid Rahmat
We are changing things around here because the display industry is changing things. It’s going to be a very exciting 2023.
Tags:Displays news
by Omid Rahmat
Spanish developer of lenses for VR headsets has been gobbled up.
Tags:Apple| | VR
by Omid Rahmat
On the backs of a tough economic environment and rising prices, International Data Corporation (IDC) has reduced its outlook for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets for the remainder of 2022 and …
Tags:Analytics & Tools| Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| IDC| Virtual Reality
by Omid Rahmat
AGC, a Tokyo-based world-leading manufacturer of glass, chemicals and high-tech materials, announced that it has developed anti-glare (AG) glass for 4K high-definition displays.
Tags:4k| Anti Glare| Asahi Glass Corporation (AGC)