Omid Rahmat


The World’s Densest OLED Microdisplay

by Omid Rahmat

Fraunhofer FEP has developed OLED microdisplays that utilize a 28-nanometer backplane technology on 300mm wafers.

Tags:Fraunhofer| Microdisplays| OLED| R&D (Research & Development)

Google IO Product Launches: AI, Carumba!

by Omid Rahmat

Google IO was like that time you got served canapés instead of dinner, and ended up at a MacDonald’s drive-through before you gnawed your arm off.

Tags:Android| foldables| Google| pixel| tablets

Korea Lobbies for US OLED Sanctions on China

by Omid Rahmat

OLEDs may not rise to the level of being of vital national security importance to the US, but confrontation with China may end up favoring Korean interests.

Tags:China| CHIPS Act| Korea| OLED