Omid Rahmat


What is Sony’s Next Move?

by Omid Rahmat

It’s about time Sony made some moves in mobile with its display and camera technologies.

Tags:OLED| smartphone| sony

Pressure on Panel Prices Should Intensify

by Omid Rahmat

Demand is softening, and there is not a great deal to be optimistic about the second half of the year, even if there is a seasonal pick-up in the sale of TVs, computers, and smartphone.

Tags:Analytics & Tools| DSCC| Foldable Devices| OLED panels| OLEDs| Smartphone Market

AUO Scaling Back in Singapore and Focusing on MicroLED

by Omid Rahmat

Nikkei Asia is reporting that AUO is planning to scale back production at its Singapore facility and potentially relocate some of the equipment to Taiwan as part of its increased focus on advanced MicroLED …

Tags:AUO| Automotive| LCD| MicroLED| OLED

The Killer Price of Foldables

by Omid Rahmat

How much of an influence is the fact that Apple hasn’t entered the foldables market, yet?

Tags:Android| foldables| iPhone