Isaac Oburu


Canon Unveils REALiS 4K500ST Projector

by Isaac Oburu

Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today unveiled its REALiS 4K500ST Pro AV LCOS Projector which delivers 4K resolution of 4096 x 2400, up to 5000 lumens and Canon’s LCOS Technology …

Tags:Canon| LCOS| Projectors

221 million connected TV devices to ship this year

by Isaac Oburu

Competition for control of the living room between Apple, Roku, Google and Amazon is intensifying as each brand looks to establish an advantage over the other through the launch of new innovative device hardware …

Tags:Blu-ray Players| Consoles| Media Players| Smart TV| Streaming Dongles

LG Display Makes Major Investment in Next-generation OLED Panels

by Isaac Oburu

LG Display, the world’s leading innovator of display technologies, announced today that it will invest KRW1.84 trillion to begin building a new panel plant in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, Korea, with production expected to commence …

Tags:Investment| Korea| LG Displays (LGD)


by Isaac Oburu

Sharp has honoured outstanding contributions made by its channel partners at its first Channel Champion Awards, recognising teams and individuals who have produced exceptional results in 2015. Sharp commemorated the occasion by opening the …

Tags:Channels| Europe| sharp

The Multi-Billion Dollar Wearable Tech Sector Headlines CES 2016

by Isaac Oburu

The wearable tech industry is projected to grow 64 percent over the next three years, reaching $25 billion in 2019 when more than 245 million devices are expected to ship. The growth of this …

Tags:CES 2015| CES 2016| Wearable Market| Wearables