Andy Marken


Entertainment Is A Serious Business

by Andy Marken

We’ve finally booked our first vacation flight and the house we rent in Kauai for a couple of weeks of diving. Okay, so we were being optimistic and booked them a few months ago …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| Streaming Video| SVOD

Only the Best Will Thrive on the Theater, Home Screen

by Andy Marken

Everyone is doing their darndest to make sure that Covid stays in 2020. Children are back in school (50% of the time) and the goal this fall will be full time … probably. “I’m …

Tags:Cinema| IMAX| Streaming Video

Immersion Delivers a Needed Break from Reality

by Andy Marken

For a number of years during college we shared a house with foreign physics and chemistry grad students. To avoid studying, we’d get in these deep philosophical discussions on what reality and being really …

Tags:Location-based Entertainment (LBE)| Virtual Reality

Getting the Best from Streaming Services

by Andy Marken

We played chess a little bit while in college. It was a way to feel like you were doing something constructive while skipping classes and if you were winning, you weren’t wasting time. And …

Tags:Amazon| Netflix| OTT Video| Samsung| Smart TV| Streaming Video

The Pandemic Accelerated the Focus of Serving the Viewer

by Andy Marken

Tenet painfully clawed itself to maybe $80M in ticket sales in the US and perhaps $400M globally while most major projects were slid into next year or worse, slipped into various D2C options. Studios …

Tags:Pay TV| Streaming Video| SVOD| VOD

Content Piracy Isn’t A Victimless Crime

by Andy Marken

We like IP (Internet Protocol) because without it there would be no streaming content industry. “I’m the good guy here. I told them this could happen if they didn’t prepare. Did I get a …

Tags:Movies & Content| Piracy

Slow Return – People Renewing the Big Screen Experience

by Andy Marken

Give us a hint, please? What are all the market analysts and experts measuring when they track Warner’s Tenet in theaters and Disney’s Mulan streamed in the US and in select overseas theaters? Or …

Tags:Cinema going| Netflix| Streaming Video

Short Mobile Viewing is Nice but People Like Long Stories

by Andy Marken

I don’t know about you, but we’re getting awfully tired of looking up people’s noses during Zoom meetings. It probably doesn’t bother you; but one of our college degrees was in radio & TV, …

Tags:5G| Movies & Content| Streaming Video


The Decision of Streamed vs. Theater is Fading for Consumers

by Andy Marken

Netflix’s Reid Hastings had the streaming stage to himself since about 2000 but it got so crowded that this year, the board “encouraged” Ted Sandaros to join him as co-CEO and the two are …

Tags:Cinema| Streaming Video| SVOD

5G Opens the Door to New AV Opportunities, Interaction

by Andy Marken

Alex Wallace, Verizon Media’s GM of news, entertainment and studios perhaps summed up the impact 5G is going to have on the M&E industry — especially when it comes to increasingly personalized DOOH/AV (digital …

Tags:5G| Digital Signage| DOOH| Retail

It’s Not a Car, It’s Your Driving Entertainment Screen

by Andy Marken

When the M&E industry switched from 35mm film to digital/IP-based content it marked the beginning of a whole new set of opportunities for nearly everyone inside and outside the industry to make content and …
