
Apple sets up OLED panel R&D line in Taiwan, says report

As we have been reporting for some months, one of the key issues for the development of the OLED industry is the availability of evaporators which have, so far, been exclusively available from Canon Tokki and that has been seen as a limit on the growth of capacity in the supply side of the industry. Reports attributed to the ET News (although we couldn’t confirm the source in English – Man. Ed.) say that Apple has decided to buy an evaporator from Sunic System of Korea, which is trying to develop in the evaporator business.

Analyst Comment

Apple could get two benefits from this purchase. First, there is the straightforward benefit that the company can start to develop some unique technology and knowledge about OLED deposition which would allow it to get some more control and, perhaps more importantly, get more differentiation than it currently has when it has to buy displays from its biggest competitor. The secondary benefit is that enabling Sunic helps that company develop its business and break the logjam caused by the limited capacity of Canon Tokki. (BR)