Year: 2022


If You Want to Find Your Monitor, Just Whistle!

by Bob Raikes

Display Daily, unapologetically, is mainly focused on output devices. However, I have long contended that one of the key initiatives that allowed the iPhone and other smartphones to dominate has been the inclusion of …

Tags:Ambient Sensors| Desktop Monitors| Gaze Recognition| Gesture Recognition| Interactive Displays| Sensors| Windows

Innocn 15A1F Portable Monitor Review: OLED Value

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Tom’s Hardware tested a new portable USB monitor from a Chinese brand, Innocn, that is very unusual in using a 15.6″ FullHD OLED. It’s even more unusual in that it costs …

Tags:OLED Monitors| USB Monitors

AP Systems developing inkjet equipment for OLED post-process

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say ET News reported an announcement by AP Systems of Korea that it has a new method for the deposition of optically transparent resin (OCR) using inkjet printing. What We Think We …

Tags:InkJet Deposition| Korea| Optical Bonding

Panasonic Astrova IFE System Adopts OLED

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Panasonic Avionics has announced a new in-flight entertainment (IFE) system, Astrova, based on OLED displays. The displays are available in 13″, 16″ and, later, 22″, but they are said to have …

Tags:Aviation| OLEDs| Panasonic

The Verge Looks at Oppo Air

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Verge got its hands on Oppo’s Air Glass AR monocle after the company has shown some in the US, although it is not available to buy there, being sold just …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Testing

Samsung S95B v Sony A95K – Teoh Judges

by Bob Raikes

What They Say HDTVTest’s Vincent Teoh has previously reviewed the Samsung S95B and the Sony A95K TVs which both use the SDC QD-OLED panel. In another video, he compares them directly side-by-side. (Sony & …

Tags:QD OLEDs| Samsung| sony| Testing| TVs (TV Sets)