Year: 2022


New Pico Headsets Leaked via FCC Filings

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Pico (owned by ByteDance, which owns TikTok) is expected to launch a new VR headset with two versions after references in an FCC filing. They are both standalone devices running Android …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Virtual Reality

UK Retail Sales See Deep Decline

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We’ve reported on weak demand in the US consumer market recently (Amazon Prime Day Discounts in US Signal Slumping Consumer Demand) and now Coresight Research has said that the revenues in …

Tags:Market Data| Retail Data| UK (United Kingdom)

Display Fab Schedules Pushed Out on Market Weakness

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DSCC published a blog outlining how the current low fab utilisation in the LCD business and weak demand is forcing panel makers to review their capacity plans, or at least their …

Tags:Financial Data| Large LCD Supply| LCD Fabs| OLED Fabs

ASRock is apparently planning its own gaming displays

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say reported that Taiwanese Mobo, PC and graphics card maker ASRock is planning to sell two monitors under its own brand with support for AMD Freesync. There is a 34″ WQHD …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Game Playing

Nanosys Gets More Funds

by Bob Raikes

What They Say By complete coincidence (honestly!), after I wrote about the investment in Nanosys over recent years last Friday (David Clears the First Hurdle), I got notice today that the firm has raised …

Tags:Investment| Quantum Dots

Intel and MediaTek Form Foundry Partnership

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Intel & Mediatek said that they had formed a partnership for Mediatek’s chips to be made by Intel’s Foundry Services business. The chips will be made for ‘a range of smart …

Tags:Intel| Mediatek

Intel and MediaTek Form Foundry Partnership

by Artem Alekseenko

Intel and MediaTek announced a strategic partnership to manufacture chips using Intel Foundry Services’ (IFS) advanced process technologies. The agreement is designed to help MediaTek build a more balanced, resilient supply chain through the …

Tags:Intel| Mediatek