Year: 2022


Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 and Flip4 Get Nearer to S22 Series

by Bob Raikes

Samsung held its latest Galaxy Unpacked event in New York and online and released its latest foldable smartphones, the Galaxy Z Flip4 and Galaxy Z Fold4 as expected. The key display specifications (both described …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Pricing| Samsung| Smartphones

TCL Reaffirms its Leadership in Mini LED TVs in 2022

by Artem Alekseenko

Driven by its culture of creativity and innovation, the past four decades have witnessed TCL’s rapid growth to become one of the dominant players in the global TV industry with vertical integration capabilities and …

Tags:MiniLED| TCL

Taiwanese Panel Makers Hit in July

by Bob Raikes

What They Say AUO and Innolux reported their results for July and are both suffering. AUO saw sales of $581 million, down 15.8% from June and 47.7% down year on year. Area was down …

Tags:AUO| Financial Data| Innolux| Taiwan

Lenovo Plans new Gaming Headset

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Lenovo has a new Legion VR700 headset in China for gaming, powered by the Qualcomm XR2 processor with a 4K RealRGB display. However, at the moment details are limited as there …

Tags:China| Game Playing| Lenovo| Virtual Reality

Vuzix landed a deal with L3Harris Technologies – IVAS Funding Cut

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We published a press release from Vuzix about a deal to develop an optics engine for an HMD with L3Harris Technologies (Vuzix Enters Into An Agreement With L3Harris Technologies To Develop …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Microsoft| Military & Defence| Sports and Stadiums

Links Week Ending 12th August 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the end of this week. Liverpool Uni facility features ‘UK-first’ projection system (Multiple …

Tags:Automotive| CAVEs| | FFS| IPS| LCD displays| MicroLED| Projectors| Quantum Dots| Reorganisation & Restructuring| Samsung| Sensors| Virtual Reality

Acer A Long Way Down in July

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Acer published its sales for July and saw sales of $582 million – that’s down by 33% by our calculation on $870 million in July 2021. For the year to July, …

Tags:Acer| Financial Data