Year: 2022


DSCC’s Foldable Report Reveals Latest Results by Model

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say DSCC put out a blog post earlier this week about foldable phones and we didn’t report it as we had just published an article on that topic from the firm. (DSCC …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Forecasts| Huawei| Market Data| Samsung| Samsung Display

8KA Breaks Silence on EU Energy Issues

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The 8K Association has broken silence on a topic that was the subject of a number of discussions at IFA, and that is the EU’s energy regulations from March 2023 onward. …

Tags:Europe| Power Consumption| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

US TV Inflation in Free Fall

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DSCC has published a blog article that highlights the dramatic drop in US TV set pricing in recent months. The article includes the chart (below) that shows the ‘TV sub-index’ which …

Tags:Pricing| TV Set Market| TVs (TV Sets)| USA

Little Impact in Taiwan from Earthquakes

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Taiwan suffered magnitude 6.4 and 6.8 earthquakes yesterday and Trendforce of Taiwan reported on the impact of the events on chips and panels. Chip makers have not been significantly affected, it …

Tags:AUO| Innolux| Semiconductors| Supply Chain| Taiwan

Sharing Ideas Improves Content Production

by Andy Marken

Growing up, our dad used to tell us, “You can’t put 10 gallons of stuff in a five-gallon bucket so sometimes, you just have to leave some stuff behind.” “You break the rules and …

Tags:Cloud Computing| Netflix| storage| Streaming Video| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

Links Week Starting 19th September 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week – only a few as I have …

Tags:Android| China| Desktop Monitors| Europe| Game Playing| Gaze Recognition| HTC| Market Data| MiniLED| Rugged Displays| Samsung| Smart TV| Sports and Stadiums| tablets| TCL| Transparent Displays| TVs (TV Sets)| USA| Virtual Reality


Display Industry to Show Weakness thru H123, Suffers 1st Quarterly Loss in Q222 after 7 Consecutive Profitable Quarters

by Bob Raikes

Over the past few months the economic conditions for the consumer electronics market have been deteriorating, but there is a start of a normalizing correction in inventories, which had been built up throughout the …

Tags:Apple| Financial Data| Forecasts| Huawei| Large LCD Supply| Market Data| OLEDs| Samsung| Samsung Display| Small Medium Panel Supply| Supply Chain| Xiaomi

Sony INZONE M9: Low Input Lag, Some Quality Issues

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Sony reentered the computer monitor market this year with its Inzone units. (Sony Impresses Reviewers with M9 Monitor). Rtings had a look at the M9 and decided that it liked the …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| sony