Year: 2022


Advanced TV Market Expected to Reach $36 Billion by 2026

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DSCC published extracts from its forecast for Advanced TV report and predicted that the value of that market (QD LCD, 8K, QD-OLED, OLED, MiniLED and microLED sets) will rise to $36.1 …

Tags:Forecasts| LCD TVs| Market Data| MicroLED| MiniLED| OLED TVs| QD OLEDs| Quantum Dots| TVs (TV Sets)

Are Z Flip 4 and Z Fold 4 Volumes Coming Down vs. Expectations? Q4 Looks Soft

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DSCC quotes a report from Hyundai Securities that suggests that Samsung’s sales of foldable smartphones may be just 10 million down from previous estimates of 15 million. DSCC said that Flip …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Forecasts| Market Data| Samsung| Smartphones

LG Display to Extend WOLED Panels Down in Size

by Bob Raikes

What They Say HankookI in Korea reports that LG Display is looking to push the size range of its WOLED panels further down to 27″ diagonal from as early as next month to support …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| LG Displays (LGD)| LG Electronics (LGE)

OQmented has a Great Story on LBS

by Bob Raikes

The first invited speaker to the DSCC AR & VR forum (DSCC AR & VR Virtual Event – Chansin Looks at the Big Picture) was Ulrich Hofmann of OQmented, a spin-off from the Fraunhofer …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Laser| Waveguide Display

DSCC AR & VR Virtual Event – Chansin Looks at the Big Picture

by Bob Raikes

DSCC recently ran a virtual forum on the AR & VR industry and developments. The recordings were available for 30 days from 20th September – so you could still register and listen if you …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Forecasts| Market Data| Microdisplays| MicroLED| OLEDs| PlayStation| sony| Virtual Reality

Display Daily Acquired by Jon Peddie Research

by Bob Raikes

Just a small note to let customers know that back in August, Display Daily was acquired by our good friend and occasional Display Daily contributor Jon Peddie and his firm, Jon Peddie Research (JPR) …

Tags:Mergers & Acquisitions

IPValue Making the Most of Display IP

by Bob Raikes

Unusually, I was contacted recently by the representatives of IPValue, an IP licensing company which wanted to talk about why such a company might be interested in display-related IP. I signed up and met …

Tags:Litigation| Patents