Year: 2022


Colorado Wildfires

by Bob Raikes

Over the holiday, there were devastating fires in Colorado in the US. Very sadly, the high (>100 mph (160 km/h)) winds caused wildfires to devastate residential areas. One of the areas affected was the …


Economist Picks 22 Technologies to Watch

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Economist identified 22 ‘technologies to watch in 2022’. Only a couple (which we have listed first) involved displays, directly. VR workouts The Metaverse Solar geoengineering Heat pumps Hydrogen-powered planes Direct …

Tags:Automotive| Aviation| R&D (Research & Development)

Somnium Space is Developing a Headset

by Arthur Berman

The “social virtual reality platform company” Somnium Space LTD (London, England)is going into the hardware business. The company explained that “as a decentralized and open Metaverse company we cannot allow Somnium Space to be …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)