Year: 2022


Skyworth Moves to Google TV and adds miniLED

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Skyworth was in the Westgate at CES to highlight its OLED TVs and said that in the first three quarters of 2021, its sales were up 10.8% in China and by …

Tags:Flexible Displays| MiniLED| Skyworth| TVs (TV Sets)

Innolux & AUO Publish 2021 Preliminary Sales Results

by Bob Raikes

What They Say AUO and Innolux reported their monthly results for December. AUO said that it’s revenues were up by 36.8% year on year for the whole of 2021 at $13.4 billion. December was …

Tags:AUO| Financial Data| Innolux| Large LCD Supply| Taiwan

ViewSonic miniLED Gaming Monitors are Bright

by Bob Raikes

What They Say ViewSonic added three miniLED monitors in its Elite range. The backlights have up to 1,152 zones. The 27” Elite XG272G-2K QuadHD has G-Sync up to 300Hz (G-Sync Ultimate) and has an …

Tags:CES 2022| Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| MiniLED| ViewSonic

Vizio’s new M-Series LCD TV features 120Hz/240Hz for Gaming

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Vizio said that it will have an M-Series LCD TV later this year that will support 240Hz operation in 1080P resolution, although the sets will feature UltraHD panels. A range of …

Tags:Asus| LCD Panels| Variable Frame Rate (VRR)| Vizio

FETC 2022 Preview: What’s Whispering

by Len Scrogan

In this final article of the series, I outline some soft whispers emerging from FETC 2022, the Future of Education Technology Conference, which rotates it venue from Orlando to Miami, Florida. This year’s conference …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Education| Virtual Reality

Tekle Holographics Claims Holographic Display Technology

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A Dutch company, Tekle Holographics said that it was going to CES 2022 to show a ‘metaverse portal’ that showed images in ‘real size and without a headset’. The company claims …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| 3D software| CES 2022| Holographic Displays

Dimenco-Acer in Big Deal for 3D Displays

by Chris Chinnock

3D display maker Dimenco has announced that Acer will launch new laptops with its Simulated Reality (SR) technology built-in. This is an eye-tracked stereoscopic display which uses an actively-switched lenticular lens technology. While not …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| Notebooks

JVC Aims to Widen its Market Access

by Bob Raikes

What They Say At CES 2022, JVC announced a new ‘entry level’ D-ILA projector built around an LCOS device that has a wire grid polariser and achieving a native contrast of 40,000:1 and dynamic …

Tags:CES 2022| JVC| LCOS| Projectors

QD-OLED vs miniLED – The Challenge of Positioning

by Bob Raikes

Back before I became an analyst, editor and writer, I spent a lot of time in display and brand marketing. One of the topics that I tried to bear in mind the concept of …

Tags:CES 2022| MiniLED| OLEDs| Pricing| QD OLEDs| TVs (TV Sets)

Lenovo Introduces a Dual Display Notebook

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Lenovo has shown the ThinkBook Plus Gen 3 which has a 17.3″ 120Hz 21:10 aspect ratio panel with 3072 x 1440 resolution as the main display but also a secondary ‘tablet …

Tags:CES 2022| Lenovo| Notebooks

BMW Covers a Car with E Ink

by Bob Raikes

What They Say BMW showed a demonstration of a car wrapped in E Ink film. The film was laser cut to be applied to the car. There are static images (using no power after …

Tags:Automotive| CES 2022| E Ink| EPD (Electrophoretic)