Year: 2022


AR Lags VR a Lot in Volume

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Counterpoint Research put out an interesting chart that showed the split of market shipments of XR (AR and VR) by type. The chart doesn’t show anything that we haven’t already reported, …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Covid-19| Market Data| Virtual Reality

Apple Registers 12 new products in Russia

by Bob Raikes

What They Say MacRumors spotted reports that Apple has filed some products in Russia that might be new products. There are three iPhones and nine iPads. Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, in his subscriber email took …

Tags:Apple| Russia

Maverick AV Solutions Announces Distribution Partnership with Absen

by Artem Alekseenko

Maverick AV Solutions, a specialist division of Tech Data, has announced it will be partnering with world leading manufacturer of LED displays, Absen to distribute its commercial and data visualisation displays ranges across Europe. …

Tags:Absen| Distribution| LED

HESP Alliance Member Logo Horizontal CMYK

Theo Claims Low Latency Scaleable Streaming Architecture

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Belgian video technology company Theo Technologies sent us a press release that highlighted its hesp (High Efficiency Streaming Protocol) HTTP-based real-time video streaming infrastructure that reaches sub-second latency at scale. Latency …

Tags:Streaming Video

QD-OLED Specifications Published

by Bob Raikes

What They Say FlatPanelsHD reported on its visit to see the QD-OLED technology at CES. Although the report doesn’t add much, it did have a useful table of specifications for the monitor and TV …

Tags:CSOT| InkJet Deposition| LCD displays| OLED & QD-OLED Monitors| QD OLEDs| Samsung Display| TCL

Links Week Starting 24th January 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week. Sky Is Largest TV Company by Revenue …

Tags:Apple| Desktop Monitors| Ericsson| Europe| Game Playing| Google| Litigation| Netflix| Patents| Sky| Streaming Dongles| SVOD| The Metaverse| ViewSonic| Windows