Year: 2022


Nokia Brand Licensed for TVs`

by Bob Raikes

What They Say HDTVTest reported that new QLED TVs will be sold in Europe (initially in DACH) under the Nokia name and using QLED technology. The sets are being sold under a licence by …

Tags:Europe| Nokia| QLED| TVs (TV Sets)

Boxlight Announces New App for Broadcasting Alerts

by Artem Alekseenko

Boxlight Corporation, a leading provider of interactive technology, digital signage, and software solutions, announces that its new application – MimioMessage – has been added to its award-winning ProColor interactive display. MimioMessage allows users to …


Deuterium in OLED

by Peter Palomaki

If you have been following the CES updates you have no doubt heard from LG about their newest OLED called “OLED EX” and their claim of “Deuterium-based stability.” So what in the world is …

Tags:LG Displays (LGD)| OLEDs

Smart TVs and UHD TVs on the rise in Germany

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Broadband TV News reported data from the Deutsche TV-Platform, based on GfK figures that highlighted that in 2021, 94% of TVs sold in Germany were SmartTVs. Three quarters of the sets …

Tags:Germany| Market Data| Smart TV

Microoled Takes First Step for IPO

by Bob Raikes

What They Say LEDInside reported that Microoled of Grenoble, France has said that it has received approval for an IPO on the Euronext Growth market. This is the first step in a planned IPO. …

Tags:France| Investment| Microdisplays| OLEDs

Hisense Fills In 8K TV SOC Details

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The 8K Association discovered more information about a new H-View HV8107 SoC that was developed by Hisense for its TVs. Details are in the graphic below but the 8KA clarified that …

Tags:Financial Data| Hisense| Semiconductors| SOCs| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

QDEF to Boom or ‘Steady as She Goes’?

by Bob Raikes

Last week DSCC released some interesting data and a forecast for the market of QDEF films for use in LCDs. It got me thinking. QDEF (Quantum Dot Enhancement Film) has been the main way …

Tags:LCD Backlights| LCD Panels| Perovskite| Phosphors| Quantum Dots| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

CES Review: What is the Landscape for Premium TV in 2022?

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In a look back at premium TV during CES and analysed on the basis of price band, DSCC said that it is more uncertain whether Samsung Electronics will buy WOLEDs from …

Tags:CES 2022| LG Displays (LGD)| Pricing| QD OLEDs| Samsung