Year: 2022


Fans Make a Folding iPhone

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A group of engineers in China has disassembled an iPhone X and re-assembled it using a Motorola Razr folding mechanism to create a kind of ‘foldable iPhone’. There’s a 17 minute …

Tags:Apple| Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| iPhone

Nvidia Down in Q3 FY 2023

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Nvidia’s results for Q3 of its financial yeat to the end of October, with revenue down 17% YoY and 12% QoQ to $5,931 with margin also down 11.6 points from last …

Tags:Financial Data| GPUs| Semiconductors

LG Unveils Its First Mini LED Surgical Monitor at MEDICA 2022 in Germany

by Artem Alekseenko

LG Electronics is unveiling its first 27-inch, 4K surgical monitor with Mini LED technology (model 27HQ710S) at MEDICA 2022, the international tradeshow for the medical sector taking place in Düsseldorf, Germany. LG 4K Mini …

Tags:LG Electronics (LGE)| Medical| MiniLED

New HTC Headset Leaked?

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A YouTuber, Brad Lynch, appears to have leaked details of the design of the next HTC VR headset which combines the slim form factor of the Vive Flow with the standalone …

Tags:HTC| Virtual Reality

Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Supports 8K60p AV1 Decoding

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Qualcomm has announced its latest APU, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 which adds hardware support for decoding AV1 video at 8K60fps with HDR support for HDR10+, HDR10, HLG and Dolby Vision. (Qualcomm is adding …

Tags:Application Processors| AV1 Codec| Codecs| Qualcomm| Smartphones| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

ITRI Introduces High Resolution Full-Color Micro LED Display for AR Glasses

by Artem Alekseenko

The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan’s largest and one of the world’s leading high-tech applied research institutions, today introduced the High Resolution Full-Color Micro LED Display for AR Glasses. This innovation assists panel …

Tags:AR Glasses| ITRI| MicroLED

Magic Leap 2 is the best AR headset

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Magic Leap has taken a fair amount of criticism in recent years largely because it ‘over-promised’ and rais nearly $2 billion to build AR headsets. However a review by Engadget was …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Testing

pimax portal

Pimax Adds a Console that Becomes a Headset

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Several weeks ago, VR headset maker Pimax released a new device that is called the Pimax Portal that has been described as a Nintendo Switch that can be used for VR. …

Tags:Consoles| Game Playing| HDR - High Dynamic Range| MiniLED| Rec 2020| Virtual Reality| WiGIG