Year: 2022


AR Insider Gets Hands-On with Snap Spectacles

by Bob Raikes

What They Say ARInsider has ‘finally’ got to try a pair of Snap spectacles with AR functions, under the supervision of Snap. They are not yet available for sale. The blog said that they …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)

HPA Shows Virtual Production is Real – Easy, Economic

by Andy Marken

We figured this year’s HPA (Hollywood Professional Association) Tech Retreat would be “a little” slow after two years of people going to the set, getting sent home, starting/stopping projects and work. Personally, our biggest …

Tags:3D Content Creation| GPUs| HPA Tech Retreat| LED| Virtual Sets

What Magic Leap 2 means for consumer AR

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Magic Leap has let some reviewers have a look at its new ML2 headset and we saw reports from the Information’s Reality Check and Protocol Entertainment. The headset uses LCOS displays …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)

ROE Visual Premiers New LED Products At Prolight + Sound

by Artem Alekseenko

Live events are back, and ROE Visual is ready to support you with new LED products. ROE Visual launches new and unique LED products at the Prolight + Sound Exhibition, showcasing the latest LED …


New Chip Interconnect is ‘Incredibly Important’

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Bob O’Donnell is an analyst that we pay attention to (and he sometimes contributes DD articles). When he says something is important, I pay attention. He said that an announcement last …

Tags:AMD| Apple| Arm| | Google| Intel| Nvidia| Qualcomm| Semiconductors| TSMC

TANSTAANDT: There Ain’t No Such Thing As A New Display Technology

by Ken Werner

It wasn’t so long ago that I would get several proposals a year from start-ups touting their new display technologies, all of which would be ready for market in 18 months. It was easy …

Tags:BOE| EL Quantum Dots| OLED Materials| OLEDs| Organic TFTs| UDC

Wiztivi Develops Fransat’s New HbbTV App

by Artem Alekseenko

From design to maintenance, with front-end, backend and back office, Wiztivi developed for Fransat an end-to-end solution for its new HbbTV app. Thanks to the latest version of Wiztivi Framework, the app is compliant …

Tags:HbbTV| TVs (TV Sets)

New LG OLED TV update will give owners a Dolby Vision boost

by Bob Raikes

What They Say LG has said that TVs with its Alpha 9 Gen 5 processor will be upgraded to support Dolby Vision IQ with Precision Rendering, the version of Dolby Vision intended to optimise …

Tags:Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| LG Electronics (LGE)| TVs (TV Sets)| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)