Year: 2022


Fan Sets out His Thoughts on VR and MicroOLED

by Bob Raikes

What They Say published an interview with John Fan, CEO of Kopin, looking at developnments in AR/VR. He said that Disruption of markets by new technologies often happen from doing one thing very …

Tags:Augmented Reality| MicroLED| OLEDs| Virtual Reality

Links Week Ending 18th March 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are (quite!) a few from the second part of this week. Kuo: only iPhone 14 Pro models …

Tags:Bob Raikes

IVAS US Defence Development Struggling?

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Information’s Reality Check reported that Microsoft is “expecting negative feedback from the customer” in its development of a headset, known as IVAS and based on the HoloLens. The article suggested …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Microsoft| Military & Defence

Taiwanese Report February Data

by Bob Raikes

What They Say AUO and Innolux released their results for February. Innolux was down in revenue by 8.6% on January and down 13.4% on last year to $769 million. Large panels were down 15.0% …

Tags:AUO| Financial Data| Innolux

DSCC Capacity by application

DSCC’s Display Capacity Outlook Falls Slightly on Cancellations/Delays/ Downsizing

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say DSCC’s blog update pointed out a change in its capacity outlook with a switch to a reduction in the outlook after six quarters of increasing capacity forecasts after delays and cancellations …

Tags:BOE| CSOT| Display Supply & Demand| Large LCD Supply| LG Displays (LGD)| Production Capacity| Small Medium Panel Supply

MPA Reports on Media & Entertainment Market

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say The Motion Picture Association of America published a report about the market in 2021. The combined global theatrical and home/mobile entertainment market reached $99.7 billion, a growth of 24% since 2020, …

Tags:Market Data| Packaged Media

Breda University of Applied Sciences Launches Its Brand New XR Stage

by Artem Alekseenko

Breda University of Applied Sciences will host the 2022 edition of the Virtual Productions Gathering. This conference highlights the use of games technology for film production, and some world-renowned speakers will share their knowledge …

Tags:Artem Alekseenko