Year: 2022

GalaxyS23 renders

Samsung S23 Launch on Schedule

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Korea JoongAng Daily reported that Samsung is to launch the next Galaxy S23 smartphone in the US in February, which is in line with the ‘traditional’ timetable. The story puts …

Tags:Samsung| Smartphones

How Are Streaming Providers Scoring At The FIFA World Cup 2022?

by Bob Raikes

Are streaming providers delivering their A-game when it comes to the video quality of the most-watched sports event of the year?  While the world was counting the goals in the first World Cup match …

Tags:Measurement| OTT Video| Streaming Video| Video Quality

IDC Spending Guide Forecasts Strong Growth for Augmented and Virtual Reality

by Artem Alekseenko

Worldwide spending on augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) is forecast to reach $13.8 billion this year and grow to $50.9 billion in 2026, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Augmented and Virtual …

Tags:Analytics & Tools| Augmented Reality| Forecasts| IDC| Virtual Reality

Full Screen Security Using Organic Photo Diodes

by Ian Hendy

I almost dropped my spoon. I was watching the IMID Keynote from Samsung Display Corp (SDC) CEO JS Choi. He announced a new vision for the future of the industry’s number 2 (by revenue) …

Tags:Fingerprint Recognition| OLEDs| Sensors| Smartphones

Samsung may be readying a Self Repair Assistant app

by Bob Raikes

What They Say reports that Samsung has submitted a patent application in the US for a “Self Repair Assistant” that is described as a “computer application software for mobile phones” for self-repair, self-maintenance, and self-installation …

Tags:Repair| Right to Repair| Samsung| Smartphones

Study: ‘No change in European UHF spectrum allocation’

by Bob Raikes

What They Say AdvancedTV reports that the European Commission has agreed with the EBU that the way that UHF spectrum is allocated in Europe should not be changed. Although there are a wide range …

Tags:Broadcast| EBU| Europe| Terrestrial (DTT)

DDI Supply Chain Issues Highlighted

by Bob Raikes

What They Say TrendForce said that it was concerned that US restrictions on semiconductor trade against China could spread to the panel industry if it started to apply to driver chips. The firm said …

Tags:Display Drivers| Semiconductor Market

Richer price combined

More On QD-OLED Monitors and TVs

by Bob Raikes

What They Say After Jon wrote up his views on the Dell 34″ QD-OLED (34 inches at 175 Hz—See More Faster with Alienware QD-OLED Gaming Monitor) yesterday, I noticed that Samsung Electronics had put …

Tags:Dell| QD OLEDs| Samsung